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13 – The Power of Being a Threshold Keeper & Living a Worldview that Unites Being Spiritual and Realistic

Diving deep into what it means to be a modern mystic, and how you can achieve living grounded spirituality in a crazy, yet wondrous world – with Karna Liv Nau.

What does it mean to be a modern mystic? And how do you even arrive there? Karna and I explore our stories and the wild adventure of spiritual unfolding we have been on in our lifetime so far, feeling into the future we long to create and the magic of holding the paradox of being a highly spiritual, yet also deeply realistic person at the same time.

is an Alignment Marketing Strategist who incorporates Feminist and Feminine principles into her work. Karna collaborates with leaders with an impactful message who want to detox from patriarchal business practices, embrace their uniqueness as an asset in the market, and make money while making a difference. Her work centres on helping her clients cultivate a thriving Marketing Ecosystem to get traction, joy, and sales from marketing instead of frustration, feeling inauthentic, and creatively stifled. She believes that a woman aligned with her gifts can be the change our beautiful world so desperately needs.  

She is also a shame buster, writer, dancer, mother, and world-traveler who currently resides in the woods of New Hampshire.

ChatGPT 101 for Soulpreneurs: How to use Chat GPT ethically as your free marketing assistant in 4 easy steps.



Mystic Living – A Collective for Mystic Connection

Mystic Living is here to be your companion on your adventure of keeping the threshold between the spiritual and the rational, the magical and the mundane. A place where you can find answers to life’s most intriguing transcendental questions, peek behind the curtain and uncover the mystical aspects of life that no one talks about, go beyond the rational mind and satisfy your hunger for magic, and rest in the gentle embrace of a community of like-minded souls who truly get you and share your dream of a future worth living for.

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Starborn ✵ by Klara
The Weaver's Musings
The Modern Mystic podcast for those who, at times, feel like strangers to this world, yet who know they are here to co-create the new timelines of Gaia. This is for the quiet rebels who are changing the world from the inside out, and the inspiring Starseeds who usher our Earth into a new paradigm.