Change-making on the Inner Planes.
THE STORY – How quiet rebels and modern mystics shift our reality from the inside out.
With THE STORY I’m sharing words from my soul, stories from my life, and the myth of my experience. Today’s transmission is an ode to those who birth potential from silence and anchor new realities on this planet in mystical ways.
Some of us take to the streets to rebel. To point to what is wrong, fight for what is right and for the change that this world so desperately needs.
I am not like that.
And often I felt guilt, shame even, for not being more out there, louder, more openly angry, upset, roaring.
But my nature is not made for demonstrating on the streets. My soul didn’t come here for this kind of work – and that is okay. Many of us have not come here to be the much needed rule-breakers on the outer planes, but paradigm shifters on the inner.
I am one of them, and maybe you are, too. A quiet rebel who won’t take to the streets, but who is deeply committed to a better future, to life in service of life.
Mystic change making has many faces. They are beautiful, deep, and important.
Upholding ways of living that don’t match the status quo.
What a beautiful, quiet rebellion it is to live life based on the current of your soul, not the given ideals that society has ingrained in our minds for generations. It’s not always easy to live in a way that doesn’t match the plans that have been laid out for us by the educational systems, the assumptions and expectations of our families, and the systems we exist within.
But it’s worth it. It might even be the most important thing we can do.
The status quo is what brought us to where we are now – and it will not take us any further. Not if we desire a future in which humans are an intrinsic part of Earth, co-creating with her, and with each other in a harmonic way.
Living and being a misfit, leaving the well trodden path for one that has long been lost in the ancient woods, therefore, is not a sign of failure, but a sign of courage, visionary potential, and remembrance of another way.
When you stick to the truth of your soul, the fire of your calling and the vividness of the dream you hold of a future worth living for – then, in my opinion, you are an unmeasurable contribution to the dream of the Earth.
Challenging collective beliefs.
A life that follows your soul inevitably challenges the frameworks that our society is built upon, and the conventions it upholds in each and every part of life. If you find yourself here, reading these words, your soul didn’t come to this planet to swim with the masses, to be a pawn of patriarchy.
You have come here to bring change.
And there are endless possibilities when it comes to change-making and revolutionising the way we exist as humans on this planet. Wherever you find yourself, whatever your mission and passion in this life is:
Your mystical nature is weaving a new path in the subtle realms of Earth, no matter which area of life you are impacting.
Maybe you are here to challenge the ways we think about motherhood. Maybe you’re a beacon for change in the financial sector. Maybe you bake bread with a mystical connection to the profession of the baker and the produce you work with, and your soulful loafs make that those who tried them find themselves unable to call the plastic-wrapped, additive-packed deadness of foamy, white slices from the supermarket “bread” any longer.
No matter what you do – your way of life will challenge the status quo, and will be a template for potential.
Not succumbing to peer pressure.
Doing it your way means not only that your being challenges collective beliefs, but it also means that you will be challenged along the way. Inevitably, mystics face critics – and, sadly, often also the destructive kind.
Personally I believe that this is due to a collective fear of change. When you do something, or simply exist in a way that is not aligned with what society conceives of as appropriate, normal, acceptable, or usual, you show that there is potential for an alternative way. Potential, to many, is scary – it inevitably comes with the possibility for change to happen, and as beings of habit, many of us will rebel against that which threatens to change our beloved routines.
Yet, in the day and age that we’re experiencing right now, surrendering to the potential of the unknown and to the inevitable change that follows is – and many are feeling this – the only way forward. The more real the fear of change becomes by realising that change cannot to be avoided, the more people will fight against it – either through resistance, or through ignoring your contributions, maybe even putting them down, simply to defuse their own fears.
In such an environment it can be challenging not to succumb to peer pressure, but instead to stay true to your soul. That’s why it’s so vital to stay deeply connected to your own mission, and to others who get you, who are on a similar path, and who can uphold the grid of potential during the time you are releasing any bindings to the fear and scarcity grids of this planet.
Introducing non-heard-of ideas and controversy into society.
When you go your own way as a mystic, you introduce new (and often ancient as well as galactic) concepts into the collective consciousness of our society. You receive ideas that are beyond the imaginable. Some may feel difficult to relate to even for yourself, because the potential they inhabit is so far removed from our current experience.
When you begin to water those seeds from the subtle realms of potentiality, and begin to bring them into the realities we inhabit right now, you will most likely be met with controversy. And that’s so important!
We need wild ideas, that lead to more open minds, and expansive, inspirational conversations that break the glass ceiling of what we currently believe is possible. We need thoughts marked as “crazy”, “naive”, or “fantastical”, introducing us to a world that we can only dream into being.
Some of these ideas, concepts, and ways of being can seem small – but they matter: like the shift in thinking about neurodivergence: What if I can live as an neurodivergent person in this world, and what if it is not a diagnosis, but actually an organic way of being in the world? What if it is not about me learning to cope with working in an economic system that exploits the Earth and her people, or being okay with unnaturally loud, bright and nerve-wrecking environments? But rather it’s about me living as me, so the setup of my nervous system and the way I choose to see it becomes a beacon of hope and change towards life in service of life.
Your being is change-making.
There are so many ways in which you, and your very own experience as a soul with a body on this planet right now, have the potential to be a mystic change maker, paradigm shifter and vision weaver. Someone who looks beyond the veil, unleashes a fire of hope within, and steps out into the world to dance their very own, mystical dance with life – wildly, boldly, unlimited.
Here’s to the quiet rebels. The void dancers. The dream weavers.
The Mystics for Future.
Are you one of us?
And don't get me started on white sliced pan! 🙈 It's so symbolic of so many distortions, that our 'daily bread' could have become something so appalling.
I love how you own your role, and this quiet yet potent rebellion ✨