Daring to Dream Big.
The courage to dream big – and the willingness to connect to the energy of potential.
With THE ADVENTURE I’m inviting you on a journey of mystic exploration, in words from my soul to yours, to nourish your mystic mind and heart. Today let’s dive into the courage to dream big – and the willingness to connect to the energy of potential.
As mystics, we probably all have this one thing in common: we are pulled towards dreaming big. Not in a sense of envisioning us at the top of the world with three luxury yachts and fancy cars – but we dare to dream of a whole new world.
We dare to dream of ways to change the workings of our society that break us rather than lift us up, and to transform the patterns of our economy that deplete the Earth and its inhabitants, rather than serving life.
We dare to contemplate the potential of our species, and we are willing to explore the uncomfortable consequences that come with such inner journeys: inevitably we are confronted with our own part-taking in the very systems we desire to see changed, and we are forced to face our own shortcomings in the face of our dreams and visions.
And that can be a really tough space to be in.
Maybe you have encountered these kinds of questions, too:
Who am I to even dream this big, when I myself am – to some extend – still a cog in the wheel of the very thing I dream to transform?
Who am I to have such vastly optimistic visions of a future worth living for during times of endless pain, grief and suffering in the world around me?
Who am I to want to give energy to envisioning a future so far away from today, while the world is grappling with massive issues right here and now?
If you have, know that you are not alone – far from it. I believe that these questions are actually a healthy balancing response for our innovative spirit, calling us back to the roots of the issues we are dwelling on, and inviting us to ground our ideas into gentle, aligned action. That’s not to say that these questions can’t feel debilitating, and can actually be what holds us back from taking action and moving forward as well.
It’s crucial to be discerning when exploring the true point of origin of these questions: do they arise from a place of shame, self-doubt or fear? Or do they stem from a healthy dose of realism that the New Age world likes to skip over a little too often these days?
Once you have assessed what lies behind a niggling question like the examples above, you can move into working with is as medicine – taking it in small doses, watching out for negative side effects like going into freeze mode, or feeling like you need to move into frantic action in response to their triggering spirit.
Let’s unpack the medicine of the first example:
Who am I to even dream this big, when I myself am – to some extend – still a cog in the wheel of the very thing I dream to transform?
This question brings me back to the principle packed in a proverb that I, and maybe also you, have grown up with: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Will say: as long as I am part of the problem, I shouldn’t point fingers. It goes deeper though: there is an underlaying sense of as long as we part-take in any aspect of the problem, we lose our right to rectify it and explore solutions that will cause inevitable discomfort to those who are involved. On a practical level that might mean: as long as I still place an order on Amazon every now and again, I’m part of the problem, and therefore cannot talk about changing the economic structures and systems with integrity, because I am still playing the game I am dreaming of changing.
And here lies an issue: as long as we feel shame for our own imperfection when it comes to being a way shower for the vision we hold, we can easily loose balance, step back, retreat and stop talking, stop trying, stop advocating for change.
But if we take the medicine of this question as opposed to the self-deprecating poison, it has the potential to become fuel, firing up our willpower to stand our ground, to improve, to make changes happen as opposed to staying in our minds.
Do you want to continue the Mystic Exploration?
The Mystic Collective is the place where we take the stigma out of mysticism, spirituality and otherness, explore what it means to live a poetic life, normalise your “weird” interests and wild visions for the future of Earth and support each other on the magical, adventurous journey of being a mystic in volatile times.
Complete the Initiation at your own pace (it’s my beautiful online course that reconnects you to your mystic essence) to be invited into the Inner Circle of Mystics, where you can continue the Dare to Dream Big adventure (and many more!) through a visualisation journey and deep, contemplative questions that will spark your inner potential for real.
I feel seen.
That is all.
Blessed Be
Loved this exploration here. It is so true, I do "dare to dream of ways to change the workings of our society that break us rather than lift us up," A breaking is needed now. In an "its all good" way of seeing things, that doesn't fly well. Right now I am working on piece about darkness, the cave and underworld, not a place many like to journey. But it is in these places hard questions like you brought forward can be contemplated and examined. This to me is the revolution!