Mystic Money.
Contemplating the future of money, and the role that we play as mystics in the co-creation of a new story of what money is and how we use it.
With THE ADVENTURE I’m inviting you on a journey of mystic exploration, in words from my soul to yours, to nourish your mystic mind and heart. Let’s dive into the future of money, and the role that we play as mystics in the co-creation of a new story of what money is and how we use it.
Naturally, all explorations are just that: explorations. None of the ideas I propose here, the thoughts and enquiries, are in any way suggestive of a definite answer, truth, belief, or opinion of how things should be. These ideas are meant to be seen as starting points for contemplation. Enjoy!
What even is money?
For most of my life I don’t think I have given this question much thought, but I still, of course, lived with a pretty dense field of meaning around money and the consequences of what I believed to be true about it.
Thinking back, what I remember most is that I was afraid of money as a child and teenager. It appeared to be this thing that captured people’s attention more powerfully than anything else, and it seemed to be the very cause of the rising or downfall of anything and anyone around me.
It was the main starting point for arguments at home, and it was the beginning of jealousy and judgement from other kids when they perceived my (or other another kid’s) family to have more money than theirs. I will never forget the moment a friend told me that of course I was achieving better grades at school than she was, because my parents were running a business and appeared to have more money than her parents – and that this privilege also meant that the success I was experiencing at school was meaningless.
I remember how I felt confused about this reasoning, but I took it on as truth, and went on to feel a mixture of gratitude and shame for my privilege. Yet, the fear of not enough money, or losing money, or no more money coming in was always very present in my household, and it caused a deep-seated anxiety and feeling that, somehow, money was in charge. It was clear to me: everything depended on it.
Let’s explore some ways of relating to and contemplating money.
Money as an Artificial Construct to Ease Trade
Clearly, when we think of money, we will most likely have this simple idea in mind: money is a means of making trade easier. We exchange it for goods and services, and it helps us make the whole process a lot easier, because we don’t have to swap, say, a coaching session for a bag of potatoes.
Yet it’s apparent that this simple means of exchange, by now, has morphed into something wildly different. It has become a construct, an idea, that is the backbone of our entire economic system and, one dare say, our society.
I don’t think I was particularly far off the reality that we live today when I, as a kid, felt the dooming sense of everything depending on money. In a way, how our systems are set up, it does. But how true is that, really?
And what meaning has the value of money gathered over time? How do we arrive at a certain amount being the equal exchange for something else, who decides what its value actually means? What stories do we play out within the construct of money?
Money as an Illusion
The artificiality of money also comes with a paradox that I find deeply fascinating: we live in a world where so many of our fears are related to money – simply because our sense of safety is so deeply attached to it.
The main fear being: not enough money, or money running out. While this is a scenario we can experience on an individual level, this fear also seems to be ingrained in our collective consciousness – even though money, artificial as it is, can never factually run out.
Bizarrely, we live in a world where, especially in the West, so much is built on reason, logic and rationality, but we are ruled by what essentially is a money-concept of eternity. More is more is more, and growth never ends. For many, it’s the only infinite thing in existence – even those who don’t believe in any concept of soul, God, or other spiritual ideas that require engagement with the infinite, use and interact with money as if its infinity was self-evident and not worth thinking about or questioning.
Which means: we are acting as if money was a limited resource, even though it’s not – because it is not, in that sense, real. Aren’t our systems, therefore, built on an illusion? Aren't we living a lie? Haven't we wound up in a situation where, collectively, we live out a story that doesn't root in anything real?
Money as a Frequency
From an energetic perspective, I have felt quite comfortable with seeing money as a frequency band that attaches to and invokes energy grids that we as individuals as well as collectively can plug into and play within: on the one hand side, we can play in the scarcity grids of money, and explore concepts, experiences and emotions of lack, greed, hoarding and fear of losing what we have, or not having enough. On the other side, we can experience abundance, dancing with frequencies of trust, fulfilment, gratitude, generosity.
The spiritual community likes to use these ideas in a way that suggests that a simple shift from scarcity to abundance is available through quantum leaping, manifestation techniques and a vast array of spiritual practices that will lead to moving from A to B on this frequency band. While interesting to contemplate, I wonder: don’t we still exist within the same illusory image of money, no matter where on the resonance field we situate ourselves? What story of money are we playing into when we work on manifesting it, or clearing our money blocks? What healing work is true, real, and founded in genuine, personal growth, and what is us trying to fix a systemic problem on an individual level?
Money as Potential
Sticking with the idea of money as frequency, and considering its infinite nature, I wonder: could money be a metaphor for potential? Is it a human-made construct that tries to manifest potential into something as close to form as possible? Potential is unlimited – is money an attempt at representing this limitlessness in our world?
If it were so, the distortedness of our understanding of and working with money is, clearly, immense: with potential being inherent in all beings and things, it cannot be distributed unevenly. Do the extreme imbalances regarding the distribution of money in our world signify how out-of-synch our species is with the acknowledgement of and dance with life’s potential at large?
The Mystic and the Money
With all that said, what about our individual experiences and journeys? What about our desire to have money, to make money, to spend money? Can there be such thing as regenerative wealth? A way of having and interacting with an abundance of money that serves life?
I believe that for us as mystics, to contemplate and explore these questions is a part of our assignment. As long as we are part of society and haven’t escaped into a hut into the woods, cutting all cords with the rest of humanity (please don’t do that – the world needs you, even when you live in your hidden cottage in the mystical forest), we will have to interact with money in some way. And by the nature of our mystic being, we will be called to question, contemplate and work with its energies, diving into its meanings, and finding ways of making, having and playing with money that feels as congruent as possibly to our missions.
Do you want to continue the Mystic Exploration?
The Mystic Collective is the place where we take the stigma out of mysticism, spirituality and otherness, explore what it means to live a poetic life, normalise your “weird” interests and wild visions for the future of Earth and support each other on the magical, adventurous journey of being a mystic in volatile times.
Complete the 6 week Initiation course (you can move through it in your own time) to be invited into the Inner Circle of Mystics, where you can continue the Mystic Money adventure (and many more!) through journalling prompts, tips on how to dive deeper, and a card spread designed to deepen your exploration.
Such a [no word can embody the emotion here, close is... funny] concept : money.
One resource, Prosperity Consciousness - Fredric Lehrman , has been a 'abundant' opening to very much healing those wounds around abundancy, money, and worth! Along with a number of personal healing modalities - it truly did guide my experience of 'inspiration' from money - in the language that "I am my money" - quite literally experiencing myself as that 'vibrancy' that money allows - allowing myself to use it 'where it is most needed' without guilt... and if anything - fully accepting the limitations of my Chronic Illness and expressing into the world as such - has created a LARGER ability for abundancy that ever before...
One funny story from my Mentor though - in line with the "Money as a Frequency" and that spiritual community : One client was so 'disconnected' or desiring to disconnect from the prospect of money - or even 'The Self' in relation to it - that it resulted in my Mentor asking this Client "If I were to put your name on a check, Who would it be going to?" and her reply was along the line of "The Universe". A GRAND IDEA! (He had to instill the idea that One needs to be fully present with self in order to receive the desired abundancy, even if it comes in the form of money - and to give that money a name to go towards). Yet, with the realization that - One has to realize the 'limital-ity' in being your person - particularly in your own individual system, and monetary system - so that you can receive this certain 'frequency' to your own.
Funny - to - FUN STUFF! as we can say.
So much to unravel and explore again with money! as money is, money does...
Blessed Be!
I'M OBSESSED WITH THIS WHOLE THING! Thank you for writing this. x