What’s Brewing: a Mystic Business Revamp – Part 1
THE CAULDRON – When you think you have to start from scratch, but end up finding Gold in in the Old.
With THE CAULDRON I am sharing what I am brewing, creating, and weaving behind the scenes of my mystic business. Today I’m sharing about bringing offerings back to life, and resisting the need to start from scratch as soon as a new template of working gets unlocked.
Maybe you’ve been there, too: you create, you craft something beautiful to share with the world, and after a while you remove it – because it feels imperfect. Maybe taking it away was just the right decision in order to make space for something new. But not all things old are actually dated. Some just need a little love, and some genuine recognition from you, the creator, to see the beauty, value and imperfect perfection in them to unleash them once more – revamped, that is.
Being your own role model.
When I launched The Weaver’s Kinship in 2020, I was very much focused on branding and design – mixed with coaching work. It made sense: interweaving my graphic design degree and my transformational coaching diploma, to craft something that felt like it was truly mine.
Over the past few years I have been refining and re-defining what mine actually means, and have gone much deeper into the essence of who I am, finding the understanding that no business model out there really mirrors what I desire to create.
It was a slow waking up to the fact that no matter how much I search, how many certifications I complete and how many teachings I graduate from, I cannot find a role model that suits me 100% – something I used to look for so desperately during my teenage years and early twenties.
Shall I bin it – or keep it?
Now, as I approach my thirties, I can see that I, like many of you, am not here to re-create what already exists, but to co-create something new that I can feel is true and real, even though there’s little evidence in the world out there for its existence. This realisation is not new to me – but accepting it has not come easy. It was one of the reasons for me pausing my business completely in the early months of this year. It took time to take an inventory, feel what is still aligned, and what isn’t.
The first instinct was, as it often is, to throw all what’s old out. Start from scratch. I had to get distance from all I had created, see from afar what it was all about. Then spiralling back in, moving closer, sniffing it out like a cat approaching a foreign object, carefully, but curiously.
Over time it became clear: I need both.
I needed to start from scratch with the very thing I have dreamed of creating for years (more on that in Part 2), and honour what I have already built.
Because it’s valuable. It’s beautiful. It deserves a place in my world.
That’s why I’m bringing one of my most loved intensives back – revamped, of course:
Soul Brand Alignment is back!
A space for mystic entrepreneurs, creators, and writers whose work is an emanation of their soul, to explore how their current brand reflects the magic of their essence and mission. We marry intuition and mind, perception and instinct, honing in on the look and feel of your soulful core – and how well it is currently represented through the expression of your brand: from colours to fonts, over tone of voice to the overall energy that your online presence radiates.
You’ll not only walk away with a clearer understanding of the essence that underpins your creation on this planet, but also with hands-on guidance on how you can improve your brand to turn it into a fully congruent vessel for the message your soul came here to share.
When I read the beautiful feedback I have received for these intensives in the past, I realised that they’re part of what needs to return to my offerings:
“I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You described me in an indescribable depth, better than people who have known me for years. This touched me so much because it is precisely the words that I always lack to describe my work. Your feedback on my social media channels and my website also gave me an unprecedented clarity, through which I can now present myself to the world with my full strength. I am really inspired by your sensitive way of recognising me as a person and then linking this insight with my external impact. You have satisfied the longing to finally feel recognised for who I am at my core! Thank you for the new lightness and joy that I have gained."
— Melanie Böing
If this strikes a chord with you, you can learn more about it all here.
In Part 2 of What’s brewing I’ll talk about how the New takes shape in the unseen realms, and about the beauty of returning to creativity that follows soul alignment over forced productivity.
Coming soon – stay tuned!
In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you are brewing right now – and if you also had offers in your business that you let go, but eventually invited back.
GOLD IN THE OLD! I feel this soooo deeply. x
So beautifully written and resonant. From who I am, to what I want to offer, plus how to offer it in a way that aligns with who I am. Full circle. And an ever evolving spiral. Thanks for the reminder, Klara, that there is gold in the old.
I'm also truly happy that you are bringing back the soul branding, and eager to see what else is in that cauldron!