Thank you for sharing this so openly! As someone who has experienced waiting and longing for a child to come through, I must say: when it finally happens it will be the perfect timing! And until then, take care of your precious self 🧡

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Aww thank you so, so much for your words! I can feel the truth and joy and love in them, and it means the world to read this. Thank you, dear! 🤍

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Yes, so much aims for perfectionism that compasses our everyday life. Even to that point where it effects my everyday relations. There's not a lot of room left for that imperfective living - and it's aiming to awaken the idea of -the mysticism in normalcy. Definitely, revising/redefining/Rewilding our *New Age* Tendencies that seem to only aim at *making every thing spiritual and every body aiming for perfection* - I would say so created from some Colonial senses of - even having to conquer our own limitations - no matter how natural/unnatural they are. (Managing auto-immune IBD Myself) Seemingly being - that being our being - is not permitted when it causes conflict to those around us. And even permitting ourselves to be broken where we 'shouldn't be' is taken as an offense.

A lot more unraveling.

In short

Thank you for your Humanity

Being human

And bringing us to that.

Blessed Be

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Thank you so much for your reflections! Such truths that you're putting into words there. "Even having to conquer our own limitations" – phew, that hits home. Makes me wonder what a culture of true acceptance of what is would look like. An organic, natural way of being with the reality of the now, rather than endless perfecting and optimising. Not to say we should just accept suffering, but this pressure of being "functional" in a certain, prescribed way...how wonderful it would be to be liberated from that!

Thank you, for being YOU, just as you are.

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So much love to you. Thank you for you. 💜

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Thank you so much, dear one!

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Dear Klara,

I'm so sorry that your deepest wish to become a mom got shattered once again. So much to process for you. So much we don't control. And how amazing to still be able to find your way back and stay connected to your deepest truth, your beautiful unique authentic self. Sending you love❤ Lisan x.

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Thank you so much, Lisan! And yes, there's no control...and yet somehow that's the beauty of it, even though the mind so often would like to have certainty. Sending you much love, too!

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Jun 9
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Thank you so much, Tara. So, so happy it resonates, this is inspiring me to keep writing!

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