I love this so much and also relate to it so much - it felt so empowering to read "I am beginning to understand that it’s not a burden, but a gift to be deeply interested in this way." - something I am also beginning to understanding - thank you for sharing your experience with this 💖

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Thank you so much for sharing this, it means so much! I am so glad it resonates and it's so good to hear I am not alone in this!

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Brilliant counter culture perspective! Way to liberate autism from the antisocial box. x

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Thank you, dear!

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Really get this and love this, Klara. Small talk is fine but it doesn’t feel authentic to me either. Like I can say the right words but deep down, I could have a really long conversation with you and share more but some people actually don’t want to hear it. They just want the small talk. I’m getting better at finding the people who are open to deeper conversations and accepting that some people are just not that way inclined and that’s ‘fine’.

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I love this, thank you for sharing! I feel like that as well – I *can* do the small talk and when I'm having a good day I can even be really good at it. But it feels like being in a play, and taking on a role that isn't authentically me. I am so grateful to have so many people in my life who love deeper conversations!

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