Reflections on the Last Day of my Twenties.
THE STORY – Hot Summers, Truth and a Bird Called Time.
With THE STORY I’m sharing words from my soul, stories from my life, and the myth of my experience. Today I’m battling sweat and typing my way through what arises on the very last day of my twenties.
I am not made for the heat.
My fingers stick to the keyboard, and the rug under my feet feels warm, like it is alive, a radiating body of cotton.
It’s 33 degrees in the shade, and the heat has made it into my office, too. I can hear my laptop’s fan hissing in the background, and the cats lie flat on the floor, as flat as possible, as though their furry bodies are trying to absorb every little movement of air that comes in from the open window.
At least there’s a breeze.
How has it been over two months that I’ve sat down to write, I wonder. Time flies. I often say that.
Time flies.
Like an untameable bird that follows its own will, measured by clocks, yet somehow magically detached from any calendar or system that tries to pin it down, shaping it into something concrete…
Only a couple of weeks ago I was sat by a lake in Swedish Dalarna. A cold wind had me shudder and run back inside for my coat, before I returned to the jetty, iPad in hand and ready to draw. Ready to soak up the colours of wild flowers and water lilies, of foreboding storm clouds and their dark, yet lively reflections on the lake.
I can think when it’s 18 degrees. Now my thoughts are slow and sweaty, they get lost in what once felt like a clear head, now more like a green house.
But here I am, writing anyway.
After two months of silence. It feels a little shameful to have left this space untended, and yet the chaos I wrote about in June has not yet settled, and I realise, I am living what is true right now. My life, as it is. Real, and raw. And that includes pauses where I’d rather keep going, slowness when I’d rather move faster, and letting go, even though I’d rather hold on.
And I remember, it’s the real and raw stories I need to hear and read. I want to know how you are doing. How you feel for real. What it’s like to be human in your world right now. As I wrote before, I am sick of sleek stories and perfect lives, I want to feel every inch of your truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
And I want to honour my truth with just the same presence.
My Body’s Truth
Sometimes seeking answers is a long journey, one riddled with mysteries.
Yet I have come to realise the simple truth that, in the end, our health and wellbeing are so essential. Us mystics, we can forget that fact every now and again. We can get so absorbed in our minds, in spiritual realms, in that which flows in the ethers.
And yet, the body is always there.
The wisest, the closest we have to something we can call home, wherever we are.
I don’t have answers yet when it comes to healing mine (if you’re new here – I have been on a long journey struggling with infertility). I am going for space, and time, and gentleness. I am playing in Eastern and Western medicine, I am letting life show the way.
Listening, deeply.
Answering, gently.
Deep down, I know my body knows. And I know, one day, I will know, too. All of me will know. And the answers will arise.
My Neurodivergent Truth
Sometimes seeking solutions is a long journey, one riddled with mysteries.
How does one thrive in a world built for a nervous system unlike one’s own? Sometimes the answers seem so far away, sometimes they begin to inch closer – in deep conversations with fellow neurospicy folks on their quest for finding ways of not just surviving but thriving in this world.
The truth is: the systems and society we live in disable us. But we are not broken. We are not faulty. We are needed. Our sensitivities are guideposts for change. We can’t brush over what is unhealthy for all of us, neurospicy or not. Our failure to fit in is not failure at all – it is necessary for a new path to form. One that moves us closer to a life-serving economy, a human-friendly lifestyle – ancient yet new.
Deep down, I know my soul knows. And I know, one day, my body will know, too. All of me will know. And the solutions will make themselves known.
My Work’s Truth
Sometimes seeking success is a long journey, one riddled with mysteries.
I deeply feel that we are knee deep in a time of complete redefining what it means to work, what it means to produce results, and what success truly is.
And I believe that the new way that we are transitioning into is indeed a much more mystical one. One were the mystical aspect of life is integrated in the material one. A paradigm where unseen work is being acknowledged for what it is is: work. Work that deserves acknowledgement, and reward.
Like the work of those who weave grids across the planet and reinstate working with the land in a co-creative manner, heal ancestral lines so future generations can break free from ever-repeating cycles of suffering, and are of service to society by offering their presence and attention to what needs to be seen, heard, acknowledged and transmuted.
Deep down, I know our future knows. And I know, one day, our world will know, too. All of us will know. And the true, life-giving meaning of success will become reality.
My mission is to actively co-build this paradigm. And I know that to do so I am not going to measure my success by the standards I have been taught at school or university. Instead, I look through the lens of integrity – with my soul, my mission, the truth I feel in my bones.
The birds are quieter today than usual.
Maybe they, too, are too warm. The heat brings a different kind of silence, clearly distinguishable from the silence of a cold winter day.
I stretch, and I feel the longing for another shower grow. Peaking outside, I can’t spot a single cloud, and within me hope for a cool night grows.
Not just any night – it’s the last night I’ll fall asleep in my twenties, and tomorrow morning I’ll wake up, having circled 30 times around the sun.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, stories, and reflections – what are the truths you long to live by right now?
How to work with Klara
Klara is a soul-led brand creator, vision doula and mystic living mentor.
✵ Get my beloved, free Mystic Branding Mini-Course and immerse yourself in the magical world of soul-led brand creation over 9 days of journeying through a mystical, joyful world, bringing your soul mission into expression.
✵ Head to my website for my 1:1 branding program, portfolio and more – I am opening 1 spot for bespoke, soul branding work starting in September, booking now.
Let’s do magic together!
Circling into my 30's soon as well Klara.
The truth I long to live by... in 3 cycles of thought...
1) Knowing that my bodies (chronic healing/illness) form is navigating the cosmic mythos for a larger story... One of Unity with my time, my place, my person - for the Universal Becoming through this waking world by my own intrapersonal suffering.
2) By Being within a community that deserves my gifts. My words, my stories, my presence - negated of my own Desired Expectations of Fulfillment. Knowing my time and place is perfect - as is.
3) Lastly... all I can 'think' of - "is knowing" - expanding this within myself = "I am Knowing"
Thank you Klara - I deeply appreciate your own acknowledgment of Your Mystic Self. To further state : it has allowed my Self to -at the least- be open to that identification within. As much as it is a step in/step out lifestyle for me - the mysticism of my healing has transformed multitudes of my Self into Being. Without seeing that there is another's acceptance into (what I'm sure at your beginning as well) that total mystery of 'Being Mystic' - confusing in this day and age where common lifestyle desires a 'definitive-lifestyle-living' - it's a wonder to know that 'Being Mystic' qualifies for that exhuming "stability within instability" - permeating the endless formation of our own essence...
Blessings, and wonders unto you
Oh Sacred One (Klara)